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World Homelessness Day Collects 2,000 lbs Food for Food Bank

The Salvation Army Windsor Centre of Hope in partnership with Windsor Police, LaSalle Police, Tailgate Takeout and Windsor Loblaws held a city-wide Food Drive on October 10th to raise awareness for World Homelessness Day.

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Food security and homelessness are issues that are front of mind for The Salvation Army. Subsequently, The Salvation Army Windsor Centre of Hope continues to support, house and feed those who are experiencing homelessness as well as providing food to residents who are experiencing food insecurity. “Our center’s programs and services are designed to support those who are struggling with food security and/or homelessness. We need support from the community to help keep our food bank supplied so we can continue helping others.” says Major Danny Pinksen, Executive Director at the Windsor Centre of Hope.


The Windsor Centre of Hope has teamed up with Loblaws to hold its first annual Food Drive to re-stock their shelves, which have been sparce since the beginning of this year. “We are so grateful to Riley and his team at Loblaws for initiating this event to assist a much needed service in this City” says Major Danny Pinksen. The centre was able to raise 2000 lbs of non-perishables and $3400 for their food bank

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From 11 a.m. until 4 p.m., Windsor Police and LaSalle Police set up their cruisers at three different locations in the city to “Stuff a Cruiser”. As well, Jen from Tailgate Takeout has supported the “Stuff the Tailgate” endeavor. Hot chocolate donated from local Tim Hortons and prizes were also at various locations to encourage those to donate non-perishables or monetary donations.


With the great success from this year’s event, the centre has decided to make this an annual food drive. The Salvation Army encourages everyone to assist all food banks in the greater Windsor region not only around the holidays, but throughout the year.

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Pathway of Hope- Amir

Amir joined the Pathway of hope program, he was homeless, didn’t speak the language and had no source of income.
The Salvation Army provided him with shelter and assisted him in applying for social assistance and subsidized housing.
After joining the Pathway of Hope program Amir, was able to complete the Canadian Benchmarks assessment and register for ESL classes and filled his taxes up to date.
Amir was also able to get involved and give back to the community by becoming one of our regular volunteers at the Centre of Hope.
He then secured subsidized housing and is currently attending English classes which will help increase his chances of finding employment in the future.

Pathway of Hope Success Story- Madelaynes Rodriquez-Castro

Madelaynes Rodriguez Castro’s journey through the Pathway of Hope program at the Salvation Army is nothing short of inspiring. Starting her path to success on August 30, 2022, Madelaynes set clear goals to achieve financial stability for herself and her son. Originally from Cuba, she had a background in office administration but had become a stay-at-home mom upon arriving in Canada. Determined to reenter the workforce, Madelaynes faced the challenge of language barriers. However, with the unwavering support of the Pathway of Hope (POH) program, she was able to enroll in ESL classes and quickly adapt to her new environment.


What sets Madelaynes apart is her remarkable independence and fast learning abilities. With the guidance of POH, she was seamlessly connected to the local community in Windsor, where she had relocated from Brampton. The program not only helped her access much-needed household items and furniture but also facilitated vital connections to health and mental health resources. POH’s dedicated staff, leveraging their Spanish language skills, played a crucial role in translating for Madelaynes and liaising with various community agencies on her behalf. In addition, POH assisted her in obtaining legal aid and finding counseling services for her son, further enriching their journey. As Madelaynes graduates from the 12-month program, the Pathway of Hope team wishes her the very best in her future endeavors and we’re proud to have been part of her remarkable journey towards success.